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My Sister Celina


Hard Working

Strong Sister, Strong daughter, Strong Wife,  Strong Mother, Strong Mother-in-Law and a

Strong Grandmother


She was My Sister

My Mother

My Best Freind


Giver of Life


Best Freind


You kept us together

When we wanted to walk away

You showed us what it means to be a family

And how we should stick together


My Sister

My Mother

My Best Freind

A Shoulder whenever I needed one

To cry on

A warm hug whenever I felt alone

You helped me to feel safe and secure

Never once have you turned your back

To my needs

You were always there for me

Whenever I felt down and out

You stood by me and showed me the way


When I thought

No one cared

You reminded me that you cared


Celina, each day that goes by is not getting any easier for me,

I wish you were here,

Judy Macedo

To my Sisiter Celina


We counted your beads again that morning

Repeating the words that was

Your treasure that was kept inside your heart

-Our Father in heaven

-Hail Mary Full of Grace

-Glory be to the Father

The formula of faith expressed

While you gazed to the skies

Letting go of the goods things My sister

-your family

-your friends

-your life

The strength that I cannot comprehend

The Pain I felt but cannot se seen

The loneliness that I've been

But in you everything is already destined


The beads slowly place into silence

Your lips took the last and first sweet smile

While your eyes searched our faces your last glance

-my dear sister I'll be missing you

-your prayers will be fountain of values

-your beads will be memories of you

That ones God gave me a wonderful sister like you

-whose life is offered to God alone

-whose geature of love is union with the passion

-whose dreams is hope giving to all of us

Go now my sister

Peace unto your journey

To God who called you awaits for his glory

For a death of his saint is a life in eternity


Judy Macedo

To My Sister Celina


Ever time in despair I fall

You stretched out your hand, help me rise

You were here every time that I called,

Sharing my happiness and sorrows of mine.


Just beside you I break down and cry

You will never laugh in front of my eyes


You never gave me useless advice

When I needed just a listening ear,

you were there

You read my thoughts in my eyes,

When I'm Silent, my pain you still hear


Never blind if my tears you see,

Never deaf to my every word or call,

No, you were more than a sister to me,

You were my light and hope


forever in my heart

Judy Macedo

Memories of my Dear sister Celina, I know there are so many happy memories somewhere deep, very deep in my heart, but right now I can only remember my sad memories with my sister sick in the hospital.  I pray every night for her to help me put away these sad memories, because I know she would want me to remember her the way she was, HAPPY, STRONG, and always fighting for her family's rights.


I hope in time I will remember our good and happy times together and put away but NEVER, NEVER forget our last months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds together because they are also sad but very special memories.





Aliyah DeBarros
My memory Of Tia is When i went to her place to Sleep over, and my stomach started to hurt she gave me a massage and i felt so much better! Tia Good your not feeling no more pain, i also remember when Tia got me to her house again my jacket was filthy and she washed about 5 times and i was so happy and me and Serena went outside playing basketball and i got really really dirty me and Serena tried to hide it from Tia, spotted it and we were in the car, still trying to hide the dirt and she said Aliyah why is Your jacket dirty again me and Serena looked at eachother and smiled Tia I will always remeber you  I love you
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